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How is Group Therapy Used in Rehab?

How is Group Therapy Used in Rehab?

Many people wonder: “what is group therapy” and “why is group therapy used in rehab?”. Those who struggle with addiction might not understand why support groups and group psychotherapy are used for highly personal and individualized problems. And yet, group therapy used in rehab is quite common and plays an integral role in ensuring you build a support team, a reliable social community of people who can prevent you from falling into old habits, keep you accountable, and help you realize that you are not alone.


What is Group Therapy?

So, what is group therapy? Group therapy is a term that encompasses both group psychotherapy and support groups. In effect, it is any therapy where a group of people struggling with a similar issue comes together in a safe, supportive environment.


Group therapy can have many different benefits and take many forms. Even though the term therapy is inherent in the name, not all groups have to be therapeutic. Group therapy can include:


  1. Educational programs help group members understand substance abuse and mental health.
  2. Group courses to develop skills, especially anger management, stress management, coping skills, and lifestyle skills for people transitioning from a halfway house to complete independence, even vocational and educational advancement skills.
  3. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is where groups work together to change the underlying thought patterns that led to their addiction.
  4. Support groups like NA or AA help people recognize when they are making excuses for bad behavior and cultivate constructive change.
  5. Psychotherapy groups are sometimes called therapy groups or interpersonal groups where members can work with professionals to rethink aspects of their life that contributed to addiction.


How is Group Therapy Used in Rehab?

So, how is group therapy used in rehab to help people struggling with addiction?


Given the different types of group therapy, they can be used differently. Support groups and group psychotherapy can provide positive peer pressure to help you avoid substance abuse in the future, to encourage you to use the stress management or coping mechanisms you might have learned in rehab.


Group therapy can be used to help reduce your sense of isolation and give you a chance to witness how other people have recovered from their substance abuse and maintained their sobriety. Group therapy in particular and support groups might be led by different speakers each meeting who can give you information on the challenges they have faced related to recovery and how they have grown.


Group therapy can be used to help new members cope with their struggle by witnessing how other people have similarly struggled. For example, suppose you join an inpatient rehab program and participate in Family Therapy. In that case, that type of support group might explain to you how substance abuse has affected spouses, siblings, parents, children, and friends.


What are the Benefits of Group Therapy?

Studies indicate that the lies of individuals are shaped by their group experiences. We might not realize it, but we are naturally born into groups and regularly join groups, whether social, cultural, religious, or familial. The groups with whom we interact affect our mental and physical health, behavior, and self-image.


As such, groups can support you individually when you are struggling. Groups can help you grow in healthy and creative ways, reinforce positive behavior, and encourage you to avoid destructive behavior.


Many people who struggle with addiction have faced depression, anxiety, shame, isolation, and loneliness. But in a group setting, individuals can learn that they are not alone and that everyone has struggled with the same feelings, but they don’t have to continue. Group therapy aligns with addiction treatment for those who have struggled with substance abuse are more likely to remain sober and committed to their long-term recovery when they have support from groups, especially when those groups can help them confront their struggles, get support for staying sober, and encourage good decisions.


How to Find Group Therapy Programs to Fit My Needs

Given the wide range of group therapy programs, finding group therapy in Dallas that fits your needs is essential. To do that effectively, let our team at Dallas Detox help you. When you turn to our facility, we will offer an initial assessment to determine where you struggle most and what changes might be most effective. Knowing that, we will provide you with a customized treatment plan that includes a range of appropriate group therapy. Whether you live at our facility in a residential program or transition to an outpatient or aftercare program, we will work with you to ensure you get group therapy types that best fit your needs and support your long-term recovery.

Call Dallas Detox today to find support groups and group psychotherapy for your rehab treatment.

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